Tuesday, March 6, 2012

A Gnome A Day- Day 58

First off, I would like to explain the changes in the blog layout- I was experimenting, I thought "I should spruce things up, Spring is on the way, maybe a new look would be good." My only concerns were that it wouldn't be as straight forward and then, this morning, I got locked out and couldn't post. ACK! I rallied myself and managed to figure out how to sign in but it was too much, I rather like the original blog look so I am going back to that-- though I may change the background color according to the seasons.....
This little fellow is a leaping gnome- I know, it sounds crazy but, I swear, you can't keep this fellow down. He loves to leap and bound and I have half a mind to make an obstacle course for him...
(though created on March 5th, this fellow wasn't posted until the following day)

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