Saturday, March 10, 2012

A Gnome A Day- Day 63

It was a long one here at Noisy Cottage- lovely but lots of goings on. Not so much sun but some rain and adventure in the air. I felt the need to organize and clean out- the spring fever starting in and with japonica on my table and candles burning bright, I started in on the gnome of the day.
Bending the wire with my tiny pliers and feeling the wool on my fingers as I wrapped and felted, I could feel the magic in the air and this one arrived.
It is always interesting to see what happens when I start to make a gnome, sometimes I have an intention and sometimes, the wool does. Today it was a boy gnome- no beard, no red cap, instead- suspendered short pants, a yellow cap and bare feet.
He is a very sweet one, always ready with his developing quick wit and soft spoken kindnesses. Yep, he's a sweetie pie, this one.

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