Monday, April 2, 2012

A Gnome A Day- Day 85

What's up with the midnight gnome making?? The days are full of projects and fun and then it is evening and I start the gnome after children are slumbering in their beds. Well, except tonight, obsessed with doiling a stone (a phrase I felt the need to coin today-- "doiling" is a word I use, a verb, that means to doily something, i.e. cover something with what looks like a doily- in this case a stone). My inner granny is in heaven!!
Anyway, doiling aside, this gnome is dressed in the Spring- again! He is ready for a dance and to make some music, hidden in the shamrocks, among the flowers or playing a fiddle head fern like musical instrument. He is ready!
(This gnome was finished a couple minutes before midnight on April 1st but was posted after midnight on April 2nd- just my luck!)

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