Tuesday, April 3, 2012

A Gnome A Day- Day 87

Miracle, right?!?-- It isn't a midnight posting! Fully addicted to the doiling of stones (see Day 86 photos), I made 4 stones today (well, Nature made the stones, I doilied them), started a Ukrainian Easter egg, fought off a nasty bought of hay fever with headache, decorated a glass candle holder- I couldn't sit still or choose just one thing- it was artist ADD.
And then, my arm (and wrist) aching from repetitive motion (ACK!) I sat to make a gnome and along came this jolly fellow with deep orange and lovely green and blue, ready to plant some carrots and other root veggies- his specialty apparently though for now he is meditating. He is quite a character and has a joyous laugh...

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