Sunday, April 15, 2012

A Gnome A Day- Day 98

Another gnome that is late in listing. People have asked whether I ever just make a bunch of gnomes and then list them one by one as the days come, or if I am tired, do I skip making one and do it the next day?
I admit that in the beginning my psyche, confused by the idea of a daily practice, wanted to have a scheme like this-- a back up plan for when I wasn't "up for it".
But a daily practice, is just that, a daily practice. So, if I miss a day (like Day 11 & Day 89) I miss it- no make ups, no going back. This being said, some days are hard- some days, I am so tired that I almost chuck in the towel; but the satisfaction of knowing that I am creating that practice- that is life changing in so many ways. So these gnomes are changing my life, one day at a time.
This gnome is friendly fellow, his favorite thing?? Helping others. Across the board, he thrives on helping around those and farm, field and forest.....
(this gnome was made on April 14th and posted later)

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