Thursday, January 12, 2012

A Gnome A Day- Day 5

(I want to assure you that the white spot near the gnomes is a splat of paint from years ago when we were painting and we never cleaned that spot up- it is not bird poo, I assure you!)
Okay, I am excited to say that I was able to find time this morning to work on a gnome and low and behold I made a tiny gnome as well.

I found this very satisfying. The light here isn't good until about 9 or 10 so I have had to wait for some decent lighting. You can see how the after dinner gnome of yesterday has that sort of "you-used-a-flash-didn't-you" appearance to him and I wanted the early riser gnomes to have natural light for his photos. I wish I was more of a camera genius but perhaps my abilities will improve?

Perhaps this summer the gnomes will be much earlier because of the early rising of the sun?-- Hm, that just came out- that sentence flew from my fingertips with me realizing it- it seems my subconscious seems to think I can keep this up until the summer- that is good news.

Dear Self & Subconscience,
Thank you for the vote of confidence in my gnomification goals and for all you do to support me in my day.

Enjoy your day, these little gnomes are certain to have discovered some magical secret treasure by this evening :-)

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